Speaker MICE Industry
Based on my latest book: Cavemen Never Do Business
Speaker on Conferences, TradeShows, Client Events on the topic of Experience Marketing, Events/Travel/MICE.
From years of experience as organizer, producer and consultant came the book Cavemen Never Do Business…
Cavemen is used for explaining how and why things in life & MICE work as the do…
Cavemen Never Do Business: http://www.cavemenneverdobusiness.com
Time: 45min and up…
Educational & Field Trip
Educating locale MICE Professionals by experienced Dutch Speakers (on all aspects of MICE) and experienced Dutch Buyers, in interactive sessions, for 3 Mornings.
And an Educational/FAM Trip for Dutch Buyers for 3 Afternoons & Evenings.
Suitable for CVB’s and any kind or organisation that wants to train & develop locale MICE Professionals and wants to promote their Destination for the Dutch Market.
More info…
Events are the catalyst of the economy. Every euro invested in networking has a ten-fold turnover in the economic trade.
Despite the rise of New Media physical meetings will never disappear. ‘90% of success is just showing up’.
Author Ben Gosman addresses this phenomenon in this book. Not the performance On Stage, but the visitor’s experience Off Stage determines the success of an Event, which cannot be directed. ‘The table magician doesn’t entertain the audience; the audience entertain themselves with the table magician.’
The soul of Events is changing. In the Netherlands we have reached the top of Maslow’s pyramid of needs. Living in Maslow’s penthouse leads to a number of side effects, such as regret minimisation, autism, social exhibitionism, and opinion incontinence. Dutch people seize every opportunity to celebrate, even a disappointment. The soul has made way for bliss.
Events according to Ben Gosman